Thursday, December 27, 2012

Soft Poems

Coastal Trail
I stop by the vastness of the ocean, and see the herb is dancing in the wind.
I stretch my hand and bring the frail stem to my heart. Somehow I know, 
not the mighty ocean but this little trembling grass, holds happiness for me.
The little prince and his friend the single rose, is really profound.

Hudson Line
I stand by the river, like a child in the crowd, stand on my toes and look from behind.
I wait and long for the white crested wave to come. And there it is,  it will soon pass me by.
Quick I turn fluid and flow with the river, and in my haste forget to ask – how lonely is the travel?

In the vastness I try to blend, and in dissolving I find a world of happiness.

Hiking trail
Some days the sign of two is prevalent, in the two gliding pelicans, in the mating butterflies, 
and in the twin blossom of flowers. I try to hold on these images as a reflection of us.

Fluid love is like a fisherman net, spreads across the water, catches the flow of love.
Sometimes the catch is more and sometimes is less, but love is always in the flow.

Can I?
I don’t want to solidify. I am falling in love but want to stay light and fluid. Can I?

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Ear dropping

It started with an early breakfast on Christmas Day 2012.
I was staying at a hotel in Sterling, VA, ready to travel
later that day.

As I sat at the table to consume my food calories,
I overheard an interesting conversation. Two men, one of which
appeared younger (and handsome) was listening with interest to an
older fellow who spoke with agitation on the different types of people,
the giving and the non-giving. The passion in his voice was distinguishable.

Soon after, the old fellow departed and I headed for coffee.
This is where I met the younger fellow, which I realized is tall,
and looking up to his face, no longer resisting my curiosity,
I asked about the overheard conversation. And so I learned that
the agitated fellow was 82 years old, finishing his PhD in Psychology,
traveling from Istanbul to Library of Congress DC for research papers.

As we were discussing the balance in life of giving and receiving,
this fellow announced confidently that he has achieved his balance.
I immediately asked - "How do you know?" and his reply was simple
and convincing. "You see - before I would write a check and give money.
Now I get to do the whole thing, have formed an organization, write bulletins,
communicate with people, collect and distribute money. We help people with
health insurance, with surgeries, and places to stay in US."

We continued talking, and I found myself sharing with this "stranger"
things of my life that have deep meaning and importance, like my work,
my life in US my home country... For unknown reason, I felt comfortable.
He shared with me that he started from having nothing, and building-up the
American dream, with work, optimism, persistence. Now he was helping people.

He asked me from what country I was originally; he knew not only the country,
but lived in a dozen of neighboring countries, more precisely in 34 countries.
I have traveled or resided in countries as a child, and was impressed with his
life and work in such countries. Well traveled and multi-cultured fellow.
At the end, we shook hands and departed each our own way.


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Head on to happiness

We were flying above the Pacific ocean, at night, with the ocean and sky fused into one dark mass. Out of the window - darkness, inside on board of the plane, the humming of headphones and the usual nine hours movies pass time. I remember at some point gazing out of the window and
becoming aware of traversing the most amazing constellation of stars. We were headed for Munich, barely to miss London and to fly south of UK island. It was about one hour after
we left US shore and flew above the Pacific ocean.

We were traversing a visual feast of sparkling stars of all shapes and size, of all brightnesses and depth.  Stars densely populating a bulging darkness, stretching from the very top of sky all the way to underneath our feet. If we had a glass bottom cabin, we would see the sparkling sky plunge in the water. I have never seen before this beautiful night sky, although I slept at night in undulating sand dunes, and swam in moon light and plankton phosphorescence.

The first time I saw a falling star tracing a luminous path, I thought how lucky I was to be in this moment. And I wished for happiness. I didn't wish for more success, more intelligence, or more richness...just the experience of happiness. Then I saw the second falling star, a lucky coincidence I thought, and wished again for happiness. At the seventh falling star, and twenty stars later...I knew that we were head-on being in meteorites shower, carving mysterious messages across the dark sky,
a promise that my wishes were heard and will be granted. I and the stars in dialogue, while everyone else is asleep, how cool is that.

And then I suddenly remembered, I have done this already, I have spoken to the stars as living things. I spoke and they listened to me, a little girl in a far away and small country Bulgaria, confessing my pains and voicing my wish for happiness to the stars and universe. And now, suspended above the ocean, crossing from my new US home country to EU to visit,  I knew that the stars have listened
and have helped me. I had one more thing to achieve to complete my happiness, it was the finding
of my soul-mate ( I thought) and actually it was about awakening and becoming conscious, thus
coming back to my real home of stars and universe. In this second encounter with the stars, I knew that my luck and destiny are sealed and within reach, and that I was flying head-on to happiness. Stars - Thank You again.
