Monday, June 19, 2017

Oregon series #1

Nature all over me, compressing every cell of my body,
profusion of sweat and delightful encounter, united at last!

I drove on scenic Rte 34, and felt my heart respond to breathtaking views;
luminous meadows stretching free, eagles gliding in roundabouts, and the
hills rolling in celestial tunes... I cranked my window open and full heartedly
let my voice out "I am back! I am home!", and the trees and bugs flying-by
responded "we knew all along, what took you so long?"

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Breastfeeding from Nature
The boats gently curving from the coast,
leaving shells of rippled water. The white fog
filling nostrils and lips, breastfeeding Nature.

Mt Tam hills, CA

Early in the morning I stop to face the vibrant sun.
I bath and wash, clothe and drape in warm beam of sunlight.
And like Mt Tam hills, broad chested and illuminated, I feel
my presence powerful and cheerful, and I am happy.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

In the arboritum

I wave my hand to the forest,
and bring in me its greenness.
I wave my hands to the sky, and
bring its spaciousness within me.
I live in my surroundings, and
my surroundings live in me.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Purging of my soul
I shore my hands to the steep descending hills
with blue ocean pushing at the seams between.
I see the built-up of water mass, and get ready
for torrentuous splash and purging of my soul.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Marina in the Park
Seated on the swing, gently rolling side to side,
bare feet touching undulating sand and free of anchor;
roar of background cars, waves of sound to the ear.
I found my Marina in the Park.

Morning dew and enlightenment
Running though the moist uncut grass,
my toes feel the morning dew, and I look
at the sparkle, hidden in the complex weave
of grass and leaves. I look closer, see deeper,
and get to know the hidden layers of luminosity.

Do the not done
With age we tend to go to childhood things forbidden and not done.
The voice of some "protector" is ringing in my ears, to watch, to drop,
to leave undone...
I challenge it, jumping from one tree trunk to the next, to discover the
carved wood flash and print of unknown bug; wondering at marvelous
circuitry and intricate design...a sacred message of enchantment.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Soft Poems

Coastal Trail
I stop by the vastness of the ocean, and see the herb is dancing in the wind.
I stretch my hand and bring the frail stem to my heart. Somehow I know, 
not the mighty ocean but this little trembling grass, holds happiness for me.
The little prince and his friend the single rose, is really profound.

Hudson Line
I stand by the river, like a child in the crowd, stand on my toes and look from behind.
I wait and long for the white crested wave to come. And there it is,  it will soon pass me by.
Quick I turn fluid and flow with the river, and in my haste forget to ask – how lonely is the travel?

In the vastness I try to blend, and in dissolving I find a world of happiness.

Hiking trail
Some days the sign of two is prevalent, in the two gliding pelicans, in the mating butterflies, 
and in the twin blossom of flowers. I try to hold on these images as a reflection of us.

Fluid love is like a fisherman net, spreads across the water, catches the flow of love.
Sometimes the catch is more and sometimes is less, but love is always in the flow.

Can I?
I don’t want to solidify. I am falling in love but want to stay light and fluid. Can I?